Monday, February 23, 2009

BikeSnob NYC Responds

With great care and thought, Team Two Wheel invited BikeSnob NYC to come to Spokane to ride and check out the scene (Link Here).

I don't have Mr. BSNYC's permission to reproduce his e-mail response, but I will paraphrase it here: NO.

There was more to it. While BikeSnob NYC is funny and undoubtedly cutting, he is also unfailingly polite in his non-blog communications. Take a look at the comments he posts sometime if you don't believe this suggestion. Similarly, he took the time to politely turn us down.

I am convinced, however, that he will eventually come out and ride with us, because 1) we care and 2) Spokane is a truly fantastic and unusual place to ride bikes. In future postings, we will start describing some of our favorite rides, but in the meantime trust us.

For a glimpse of the non-cycling parts of Spokane, here is a promo music video produced for the annual meeting of a downtown Spokane organization.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. The Worlds Fair?! That was in 1974! Let it go!
